Birthday: October 23

Shirt Size: XL

Monogram: NAM



College or Sports Team: 
Color/s: Burgundy / Black
Snack: Pretzels
Fruit: Apple
Candy or candy bar: M & M’s
Gum flavor: Mint
Sonic Drink: Sweet Tea
Starbucks/Coffee Drink: Iced Caramel Macchiato
Dessert: Cheesecake
Restaurant/s: Chuy’s
Books/ Authors: Non Fiction
Bath & Body scent: Light, soft scents 
Flowers: Calla Lily
Hobby: Baseball Mom!
Do you like getting your nails done? If so, where? Yes!  Modern Nails
If you found a gift card for $5, where would you want it to be from? Sonic
If you found a gift card for $20, where would you want it to be from? Starbucks
If you found a gift card for $50, where would you want it to be from? Amazon
Do you have any allergies or dietary restrictions? No
School supplies I always need more of:
Thank you, but I have plenty of:
Amazon/Classroom Wishlist link: