Birthday: June 9

Shirt size: Small

Monogram: LAP



College or Sports Team: n/a

Color/s: Blue/turquoise, yellow

Snack: Popcorn

Thing from the oven: Anything lol

Gum flavor: Spearmint

Sonic Drink: Cherry limeade or strawberry limeade

Starbucks Drink: Black iced coffee

Dessert: Anything chocolate or sour

Restaurant/s: Any mexican food or Ha Na Bi for sushi

Books/ Authors: Any!

Bath & body scent: Fruity smells!

Flowers: Any :-)

Hobby: Reading, anything outdoors

Do you like getting your nails done? Yes!

If you found a gift card for $5, where would you want it to be to? Sonic

If you found a gift card for $20, where would you want it to be to? Starbucks 

If you found a gift card for $50, where would you want it to be to? Ha Na Bi Sushi

Do you have any allergies or dietary restrictions? n/a

Amazon/Classroom Wish list: n/a

Thank you but I have enough of: n/a

Other gift suggestions: Nothing :-)