Birthday: 9/11/1990
Shirt Size: Large
Monogram: Sharolyn Renee Perry (SPR)
College or Sports Team: Rangers
Color/s: Green & yellow
Snack: chips & salsa
Fruit: oranges
Candy or candy bar: snickers
Thing from the oven: brownies
Sonic Drink: Lemon water
Starbucks Drink: iced Americano with white mocha and cream
Dessert: brownies
Restaurant/s: anything Mexican
Books/ Authors: romantic comedies
Flowers: sunflowers
Hobby: reading
Do you like getting your nails done? Yes
If you found a gift card for $5, where would you want it to be to? Sonic
If you found a gift card for $20, where would you want it to be to? Chick Fil A
If you found a gift card for $50, where would you want it to be to? Amazon
Do you have any allergies or dietary restrictions? no
Thank you but I have enough of: coffee cups, candles, lotions